Walk on the path to your strongest self

zor /zôːr/ noun

Strength, power, vigor. The quality or state of being strong; capacity for endurance, whether physical, intellectual, or moral.

Welcome to ZOR Guided Health.

Dr.Raveena Rihal’s mission is to guide you to implement science-backed lifestyle changes and help you become your strongest self.

As a Board-Certified Internal Medicine Physician, Dr. Rihal provides you with personalized recommendations from her deep fund of medical expertise.  She will help you make the right plan for your nutrition, movement, sleep, and stress reduction to improve your wellness, optimize your health span, and prevent future issues.

The Zor Guided Health framework guides you to set attainable and sustainable health goals.  Whether you want to understand your cardiac and metabolic health, lose weight, tackle perimenopause symptoms, increase your energy levels, or strengthen your prevention strategy.

Our core values

  • Compassionate

    With Dr. Rihal, you will have the space and time to discuss your concerns so you can feel heard, choose the right tools, and harness the power to make positive choices along your health journey. Dr. Rihal does not see you as tests and numbers - she sees you as a whole person

  • Comprehensive

    A systematic review of your movement, sleep, nutrition, stress levels, labs, and wearable data to create and monitor a personalized, purpose-driven plan for you.

  • Science-Backed

    The tailored recommendations made for you at Zor Guided Health are rooted in the science of how the body works. With the full knowledge of how standard drugs and medical therapies work, Dr. Rihal will recommend proven lifestyle measures to treat and reverse disease and improve health and wellbeing.

Start with a free consultation with Dr. Raveena Rihal

Invest time in yourself and take the first step towards a healthier, more energized you. Schedule your initial health consultation and start feeling your best today.

A new way to approach health care - Imagine…

Un-interrupted, sufficient time with a doctor to ask all the questions you have about your health concerns

A doctor guiding you with a personalized health blueprint

Direct access to your doctor coaching you through lifestyle changes

Zor Snapshot

The snapshot is perfect for those seeking insights into their current cardiac and metabolic health, whether for a one-time evaluation to inform their self-directed preventive measures or to complement ongoing preventive care under a primary provider's guidance.

Zor Membership

Our most proactive option to optimize health span and longevity.Receive a thorough evaluation of your cardiac and metabolic health with extensive bloodwork, VO₂ max testing, DEXA scans, and continuous glucose monitoring. Dr.Rihal will summarize and consolidate all results and outline customized recommendations and achievable goals.

Our most popular option

Focused Intervention

A 4-month focused endeavor that begins with an in-depth intake session. Subsequent deep-dive sessions focus on the agreed upon challenge area (ex. weight loss, sleep issues, perimenopause, diagnosis of diabetes/blood pressure). Along with a concrete action plan, you will have accountability and guidance getting you back on track to feeling better.

What clients are saying

Still have questions?

If you have any questions or simply want to learn more about a Zor Guided Health consultation, do not hesitate to reach out. Contact Dr. Rihal today and let her guide you towards a healthier and happier life.