Your pathway to optimal health

Dr. Raveena Rihal is at the forefront of proactive lifestyle medicine.
She directs patients towards achieving their optimal health span. Leveraging her expertise in crafting tailored treatment plans that prioritize nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress management, she ensures that each patient receives meticulous, individualized care.

Zor Snapshot

The snapshot is perfect for those seeking insights into their current cardiac and metabolic health, whether for a one-time evaluation to inform their self-directed preventive measures or to complement ongoing preventive care under a primary provider's guidance.

Focused Intervention

A 4-month focused endeavor that begins with an in-depth intake session. Subsequent deep-dive sessions focused on the agreed upon challenge area (ex. weight loss, sleep issues, perimenopause symptoms, or a diagnosis of diabetes or hypertension). Along with a concrete action plan, you will have accountability and guidance getting you back on track to feeling better.

Zor Membership

Our most proactive option to optimize health span and longevity.Receive a thorough evaluation of your cardiac and metabolic health with extensive bloodwork, VOâ‚‚ max testing, DEXA scans, and continuous glucose monitoring. Dr.Rihal will summarize and consolidate all results and outline customized recommendations and achievable goals.

Zor Diagnostic Tools

We utilize cutting-edge tests and technology to deliver a precise assessment of your present cardiac and metabolic well-being. This enables us to establish a baseline, paving the way to set future targets that align with your health and longevity objectives

  • Over 50 biomarkers to better evaluate your metabolic and cardiac health.

  • A quick 6min low radiation scan to evaluate body composition

  • A measurement of your cardiac fitness that directly correlates with longevity and provides data on your cardiac zones to help guide training

  • Small wearable device that provides realtime data on bloodsugar levels that gives personalized insight abut your metabolic health, and impact of diet, exercise, and sleep on metabolism

  • CT scan to evaluate coronary arteries for atherosclerosis via calcium score. Provides snapshot of cardiovascular health

  • Connect your wearable to our online platform that allows us to monitor data, such as sleep metrics, resting heart rate, and HRV (heart rate variability)

  • Use our platform to easily journal nurition choices and receive feedback and custom recommendations

  • We can arrange additional testing, such as whole body mri, on an as needed basis

Set up a free consultation with Dr. Rihal

Not sure which of these packages is best for you? Set up a free 20min call with Dr. Rihal to learn how she can help you.